Frequently Asked Questions
How did you self-publish your book?
After doing research on publishing options, I decided to go with CreateSpace. Their step-by-step process helped me understand exactly what I needed to do to turn my idea into an actual book. I would highly recommend using this service for anyone that wants to self-publish a book. There is no cost that you have to pay to publish your book so if you have an idea, give it a go! It's also great that they are directly associated with Amazon. This makes it really convenient to start selling your book.
How did you create the artwork for your book?
All of the scenery on each page was painted with acrylics. From there, I used different materials to layer on top of my paintings. I love to explore with creating something from unconventional materials. For clouds in the story I used things like crepe paper, streamers and construction paper. For the seals whiskers I used dry spaghetti noodles and made the claws from dry rice. I layered netting over the snow to create texture and other times I used stretched cotton balls. I find my inspiration all around the house! I want children to look at the images and think, "Hey, I similar items at home. I wonder what I could create?"
Who was the first author to inspire you?
When I was a little girl I was obsessed with poetry books. My two favorites were Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shell Silverstein and the Butterfly Jar by Jeff Moss. I even wrote a letter to Jeff Moss telling him how much I loved his book. I received a personalized note back from him, which made such a lasting impression on me. I still have it!
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