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Free Printable Color Magnifying Glasses

Beyond the Book

Idea #1- Go on a color hunt!

Free printable color magnifying glasses. Can be used for so many different activities!
free printable color magnifying glassesfree printable color magnifying glasses

Does your child like to read the same book over and over...and over? That's great! Rereading books has many advantages including increased comprehension, vocabulary and predictability. There are ways to switch it up a bit so that you can get even more out of your child's favorite books! I'm including free printable {at bottom of post} color magnifying glasses for my first idea. These will be used to go on a book color hunt. 

It's Simple!

Click on the image below to download the entire set of color magnifying glasses. Print them out {cardstock is ideal} and use them with Silly Leo or any of your child's favorite books. Have them hold one of the magnifying glasses over the pictures in the book to find the color. These are also great to use around the house for a game of I spy! Also, try taking them outside and go on a color hunt around your neighborhood....or bring them with to the grocery store and keep your child entertained as you shop. Woo hoo!

free printable color magnifying glasses
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What other ways could you use these magnifying glasses? Help create a list of ideas by posting in the comments below. 


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